Raphael is an inspirational hair styling
superstar, who has been operating his own salon since the
age of 14. Strong on cutting, progressive
in design, his work and inspiration is contagious. His unique concepts and surrealistic
approach to hair design has marveled audiences and gained approval from his competition in
major international hair competitions and his local piers. His latest accomplishments on
hair styling competition generated 5 individual trophies in the 2006 International styling
held this year in Germany. in Nov-2010 he be come Gold Medal winner for
the OMC hair World championship ,it
was the driving force in his endless quest to make women look their best using his hair
artistry talents.
Raphael's first steps to success began as he cut
hair at the age of 12. Two years later at the age 14 his unique business sense moved him
on to owning and operating his own salon, and he has done so up to the present. Now that
the new facility is opened all his dreams have come true as his whole life is dedicated to
making a more beautiful you.!
Raphael's success is highly indebted to pure
inspiration and creative in-sight. It took years of dedication to blend his artistic
approach to styling with practical creative results. His competitive traits have
challenged and brought him to the forefront of his field. These attributes, enhanced by an
adept ability to style all types of hair with no preference to race, keeps him high in
demand for demonstrative and educational presentations. -Truly a hair artist - with a
design flair complemented by his dedication to enhancing the natural beauty of all he
sees. His ability to be different is born out by repeat visits from satisfied students and

owner and fashion consultant
Member -Michigan Cosmetology Education Committee- National
Cosmetology Assoc. Expert in local and International hair design workshops
Creator of -evening style- basket
weaves- fantasy styling-
Original runway and "show Stopper" hair styles and gowns.
Platform Artist and
coordinator for local, national and International Hair Shows
Guest on local, cable and National TV
media shows
Dynamic speaker and instructor
world champion gold medal winner Nov 2010 Paris
This web site was the vision of Raphael
, who wishes not only to showcase here, his unique hair styling
techniques, but also share with fellow professional cosmetologists some
of his over 30+ years of experience. Raphaels' instructional DVDs on advanced styling covers both the "Fantasy
hair" and "Evening styles for hair stylists seeking to take their
skills to the next levels. These are full length step-by-step
instructional video tapes for advanced styling techniques.

Learn how to do
Fantasy and other advanced Hair Styles by buying any of these 6
instructional DVD's. Advance your hair styling skills and income
potential with these step by step...
How To" DVD videos taught by
International hair styling sensation Raphael.
......everything for a more beautiful and healthy you
change your water change
your life
People everywhere are discovering the life changing power of Kangen WaterŪ
Make your own healthy, alkaline, antioxidant drinking water that's rich in
minerals and purged of impurities, right in your own home! Change Your Water
- Change Your Life!Ū

The Truth about the $13 billion dollar Bottled Water Industry • Bottled
water is bad for the environment According to the National Geographic1,
"Bottled water is a drain on the environment: The U.S. public goes through
about 50 billion water bottles a year, and most of those plastic containers
are not recycled. Transporting the bottles and keeping them cold also burns
fossil fuels, which give off greenhouse gases." 1500 plastic bottles are
consumed every second. Enough plastic is thrown away each year to circle the
earth four times. And, it will take 1000 years for the plastic to degrade.2
• It can pose health threats The plastic in bottled water often contains
chemicals BPA and phthalates, which are proven to be hazardous to human
health.3 • It's not proven to be any safer than tap water The non-profit,
non-partisan Environmental Working Group (EWG) says, "The government does
not mandate that bottled water be any safer than tap water. In fact, the
chemical pollution standards are nearly identical." Historically, bottled
waters have even been recalled for contamination with particulate matter,
mold and bacteria.4 Further, as reported by ABC, environmental advocate Mae
Wu has performed studies which show bottled is no safer or cleaner: There is
actually more testing federally mandated on tap water than bottled. 100
compounds of tap water must be tested every day and the results posted
online.5 • It doesn't necessarily taste better In this video by ABC, in a
blind taste test, many even preferred the taste of tap water over bottled.
Kangen WaterŪ is Antioxidant-Rich, Healthy Water for Revitalized Cells and a
Healthy Alternative to regular Tap and Bottled Water
Kangen WaterŪ... (aka electrolyzed reduced water (ERW), or hydrogen water)
begins as tap water. The EnagicŪ machine filters out chlorine and other
impurities from the tap water, then separates the hydrogen and oxygen with a
process known as electrolysis. This process adds an electron to the hydrogen
creating a new molecule called diatomic molecular hydrogen gas. When this is
added to your drinking water, it produces antioxidant-rich Kangen WaterŪ
Oxidant, by definition, is an oxidizing agent, while antioxidant is any
substance that acts to slow or prevent the oxidation of another chemical. In
the human body, oxidative damage has been implicated in many of our modern
day diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Antioxidants, on
the other hand, act to tame the free radicals (or highly reactive chemicals)
in the body that have potential to harm cells and cause disease.
Kangen WaterŪ has many amazing uses beyond drinking water!

Read more at:

Raphael Salon
Take a guided tour of our site
Avante Guard Hair Styles

check it out the Best Income Opportunity
available to all Hairdresser and Salon Owners
(see links below)
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